
Sign up for the Her.CEO Email List

If you’d like to sign up for the (very) occasional newsletter update, you can sign up below. I have two email lists, feel free to sign up for one, both, or neither.

You can sign up to get the Her.CEO emails here:

I send updates/new post, case study articles, and website investing opportunities to the regular list, and I only send website sale emails to the website buying list. You can sign up for one or both depending on what you want to get out of each.

To be included only on the Her.CEO website investing opportunity list you can sign up here:

If you’re still having trouble and want to sign up, feel free to email me and I can try to help.

The Her.CEO Entrepreneur Podcast

Subscribe and listen to the Her.CEO entrepreneur podcast to dive in to learn how you can grow your own business by listening real stories and case studies of those who have successful online businesses.

Listen, and/or watch some episodes on YouTube, and let me know your feedback.

Also hint hint: If you leave a podcast review on the Apple podcast app before sending me an email and mention this in your email, that’s one way to get a guaranteed amazing response from me.

Social Media

You can follow me on social media as well:

Instagram: @Her.CEO

YouTube: @StacyCaprio

Sneak Peek of my YouTube channel: How to Buy a Profitable Website, The VSOT Method

Contact Her.CEO

You can also contact me by emailing: